A beginner friendly Git Cheat Sheet
Git is a version control system to track progress of the software you're developing. Here you find a Git Cheat Sheet that I put together while working on my first projects as Software Engineer.
What is beginner-friendly about it? It consists of only the most important git commands. I added short explanations of what each command does.
By now I know most of these commands by heart. Though this is what I would’ve liked to have when I started out. So, maybe you’re just starting out and you can benefit from it.
You can copy and paste the Cheat Sheet into a text file and save it on your computer. I hope it helps you as much as it would’ve helped me when I started out.
A beginner friendly Git CheatSheet
Getting started
Setting up a repository
git init
creates new git repo in current directory
git init <directory>
creates new git repo in <directory>
git clone
git clone git@...
clones existing git repo
git config
git config --list --global
git config --list
shows git configuration settings
this is important to check what mail address you use in your git commits
Saving changes
git pull
updates branch you’re on in local repo
git add
adds a change in the working directory to the staging area
it tells git that you want to include updates to a particular file in the next commit
git add --all
adds all changes to the staging area
git commit
commits changes to current branch
git commit -m "commit message"
commit local changes to local repo, incl. message "commit message"
git push
pushes local changes to remote repo
Inspecting a repository
git branch
lists all branches in current repo
git log
shows commit history of current branch
git status
shows which branch your on and which files you’ve made changes to
Undoing changes
there are several ways to undo changes; git reset is commonly used
find the commit you want to reset to via:
git log --oneline
copy the 7 digit commit number
git reset *commit number*
Warning: This can do serious damage to your project! Practice this first in a test repo where you can mess around to see how it works.
Using branches
git branch
lists branches, the asterisk denotes the branch you’re on
git checkout
navigates between git branches
git checkout feature/usercount
navigates to feature branch feature/usercount
git checkout -b feature/usercount
creates and navigates to new branch usercount
git branch -d feature/usercount
deletes the specified branch
git branch -D feature/usercount
force deletes the specified branch
git branch -m <branch>
renames branch
git feature/slider -m feature/usercount-v1
renames branch feature/slider to feature/usercount-v1
git branch -a
lists all remote branches
git merge:
e.g. you want to merge a branch into the main branch
navigates to branch <main> first:
git checkout main
from <main> branch do the merge:
git merge feature/usercount-v1
merges branch <feature/usercount-v1> into branch <main>